Archive for the ‘ Summit ’ Category

Busy busy

Alright, well, this summit has been much busier than anticipated. I haven’t been able to keep up with blogging as much as I desired. But, it is quite rewarding. Last night I had a 4 hour discussion with tmyoung, ctalbert, and several other triage people about how we can improve our triage process. This afternoon we are going to have a breakout session about this same topic, and it promises to be very rewarding.

Off we go, into the wild blue yonder!

I am currently sitting in the airport, waiting for my 8:18 flight from DIA to Vancouver. Late night and early morning for me, but I think it will be worth it. I am looking forward to the Summit, especially meeting new people. But I also plan to have a full schedule of keynotes, breakout sessions, and listening to lightening talks, and impromptu meetings on how we can improve our triage methods and get more bugs confirmed, and fixes sent to our users.

I had a run in with some coffee this morning in an attempt to wake me up, and of course I was wearing a white shirt. So, mozillians, that is why I have coffee stains, it is not my normal appearance. If you are looking for me, look for a slightly disheveled guy with glasses and a white shirt with coffee stains 😉 He will probably look somewhat tired as well….

Gearing Up for Summit

With only 3 more weeks until Mozilla Summit 2010, things are getting busy. I received my tickets the other day, and it looks like I’m going to be riding a CRJ to Vancouver,  and an A320 back. As my last ride in a CRJ was very smooth, but rather uncomfortable seating, let’s see how it goes this time 🙂 It also looks like I have to wake up dark and early to leave, but my flight back will be later in the day, which is always nice.

For my time at summit, it has been kinda tough to schedule, seeing st the schedule is not released yet. However, there looks like there will be some breakout sessions on triage which I plan to attend, and some other interesting topics to be discussed. The face-to-face will be great as well. I will be posting pics and updates daily at least (as I am able to) from this blog, so stay tuned.

As for my little status update, until I get back from Summit I will be quite busy. With my day job, volunteering at the County stampede, plus prepping for the trip, not many bugs will be getting squashed. I hope to come after them with a vengeance!